The most intense heartbreak of my life unfolded over years and eventually ended in divorce...
I now look back at this time with only gratitude, as it really was the beginning of my transition into the version of me I always dreamt of being.
And it can be for you too.

If you are experiencing the end of a relationship, a divorce or the loss of a good friendship, I know that this is probably one of the most painful periods you’ve had to live through.
Heartbreak is one of the rawest emotions in the human experience. You may be riding oceans of grief or feeling through confusion at the same minute as anger, denial and resentment.
This is a portal so powerful some feel it could kill.
But it could also be the beginning of your most wild adventure yet...
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Im so glad you found your way here. I'm Alex.
Welcome to Innerbloom mind+body
The deepest pain I’ve ever felt was the death of this relationship and I lost everything along with it.
I had no money, I was living on the other side of the country with my family hundreds of miles away, and some friends started to fall away when shit got real.
I was a shell of the woman I remembered - I couldn’t sleep or eat, I was severely emotionally unregulated from months of stress, and panic attacks became a regular occurrence.
I became underweight, angry, emotionally exhausted and grasping for ways to feel at home again.
I felt so far away from anything that felt safe and that was all before the lawyers got involved.
Overwhelm is an understatement.
None the less, I was proud. I was proud of myself for putting my heart first.
I felt a sense of freedom in the fire and through practices that came to me in my quiet mornings on a sunny balcony in Far North Queensland. I then started to appreciate my endless and incredible possibilities.
If you're now navigating the grief, sadness and hurt from the ending of a partnership, I've created this guide just for you.
A 28 Day Journaling and Emotional Processing Guide
This guide has been made from a place of experience. One experience I'm deeply grateful for, but aware of how lonely and dark it can become. Know that your pain is valid and your feelings of helplessness are a temporary chapter in this journey.
This time in your life, you incredible human could just be your most valuable teacher.
This self-investigation was the beginning of my building boundaries and setting standards for the rest of my life to date. These entries became a letter to the universe and new promises to myself. They allowed me to process my experience with honesty and grace, helped me attract the true love of my life, and lit the path to building a life I pinch myself over daily.
I offer it to you in the hope you find the same magic.
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What This 28 Day Guide Offers
The first week of this journey asks you to gently revisit the heaviness of your heartbreak, seemingly stubborn and unmovable in nature. This is the beginning of building a strong foundation for emotional resilience, allowing you to move forward with honesty and appreciation for what was and ultimately begin to intentionally let go of what you’ve come to outgrow. Along with daily journaling prompts, this week introduces you to somatic practices to help you emotionally process heaviness, anger and rage.
This week is about rediscovering yourself and what you hold close. Together we will work towards redefining your boundaries and reconnecting with your desires while mapping out how to stay true to both. This is a constantly evolving and ongoing process that we should return to often to stay true to ourselves and what we stand for. This is the beginning of saying out loud 'This is me and this is what I'll accept in my life.' It's your baseline for how you treat people and how you'll accept being treated. Along with daily journaling prompts, you’ll be introduced to practices that bring you home to yourself. These little acts of love will help soothe your nervous system, build self-trust and create comfort through this week of reconnection.
You may have heard this before: "Maybe it’s because you don’t believe you’re worthy of love." or... "You don't get what you want, you get what you think you deserve." Sometimes we can hear a concept so often that we start to look past its true meaning. This week we get a clearer look at what this means and why it’s so important. I’ll be guiding you through your learnt belief system and what the attachment to those beliefs may be calling into your life. Being able to shape these beliefs as we grow is the pinnacle of self-growth and self-understanding.
During week four, my wish is to give you the courage to take the chance on yourself, with all of your unique experience and with everything you offer the world and dive head first into something extraordinary. This week is your invitation to pull all of the moving parts of the past three weeks together, reconnect to a life that feels magic to you, call in people you truly want in your life and act in little ways on each dream that seems too far away. It’s true manifestation without the bullshit.
The Heartbreak guide and all Innerbloom coaching services are LGBTQIA+ affirming.
In every part of my business (and life) I aim to create a safe environment for all humans to feel empowered and beyond proud to live their most authentic lives.